
Monthly Archives:

October 2016

Mount Saint Helens

Oct 01 – Mount Saint Helens Our new Thule Box has a new sticker from Mt. Saint Helens: “I Blew – 1980“.  Nineteen Eighty!  Now, that is recent Volcanic history.  It was a scenery changing explosion witnessed (almost) in the Digital Age.  I remember the reports of the eruption/explosion and observing with passing interest without […]

Mount Rainier

Sept 30 – Ellensberg to Mount Rainier (don’t forget to check out the slideshow, above, for more pictures) The morning started with a nice hot shower at the KOA off the highway (just off the highway — another night of “Big Rig Serenade”).  We were working our way in the general direction of Mount Saint […]

Preview: Mt Rainier, Mt Ste Helens, Crater Lake…

Unfortunately, we’ve been internet-less (and showerless) for the past few days while we’ve been going from campsite to campsite through Oregon and California. We hope to catch up on some upcoming down-days before and after Desert Trip! On this post, though, is an idea of what we saw and did at Crater Lake!

Kelowna to Ellensburg (which is somewhere in Washington…)

 la Sept 29 – Kelowna to Ellensburg  We woke up after a restful night on the Hideaway bed at Charlene’s place (it folds right up and out of the way into a compact side table) and had some excellent omelette du Jour à la chef Charlene.  Yum. After our à la prochaine (because, apparently, there […]

Golden B.C to Kelowna

Sept 28 – Golden B.C to Kelowna We woke up to another fresh camping morning in time to see the sun rise over the hills and cast a nice hue over the mountains in the distance.  Some hot chocolate made on our camp stove and some PB&J-wiches later, we were ready for the day. I […]

Calgary AB to Golden BC

Sept 26 – A Day in Calgary We were fortunate to be in Calgary for the day relaxing and spending time with Chris’s Sister, Mary, & brother-in-law Peter K. We did laundry, ate, went for a walk, ate, and chatted!  Mary toured us through her fantastically thought out and orchestrated garden.   Peter K is […]